Beautiful Brittany
Today you are 10! Double digits, the big time.
Every parent says it, I know, but I truly don’t know how we got here. What I do know though, is that however we got here, you were bouncing along the way. You have been standing on your head, flipping over furniture, and doing cartwheels and flip flops in the yard for as long as I can remember.
And as much as you love your gymnastics, you also love the Lord. I’ll never forget the time we thought you had done something wrong. You innocently proclaimed…. “but I was just sitting on my bed reading my Bible!” Looking back, you probably were. You have a sensitive heart and even at a young age you seemed to understand God’s leading in your life. Your prayers are sweet and your heart is pure and it humbles me almost daily.
You are an on time machine. The watch on your arm is not an accessory… it is your guide through the day. Keep us on time little Brittany, keep us on time! By the way, this comes in especially handy with that roommate of yours…the sister you say is your “twin separated by 19 months.”
You need to know, the genorosity, kindness and love that you exhibit is not unnoticed. Daddy and I are so very proud of who you are and who you are growing to be. We love watching that smile on your face….and it cracks us up when you are dribbling down the court or racing in a swim meet…. and we hear others around us say…. “look at that little girl smiling”- little do they know you are always in it to win it.
You do what you love and you love what you do. And your smile is as beautiful as your heart.
Happy 10th birthday!
I love you,