Part 2
O.K. so yesterday I told you about the 13 hour field trip to Austin. I didn’t have this blog during another field trip or I would have had to tell you this story…and it needs to be told…mostly to make sure I never, ever forget. Although I really don’t think that is possible.
When Caroline was in 3rd and 4th grades, I was her Girl Scout leader. We read about this fun Girl Scout field trip to Sea World. It sounded great….see a few shows and then sleep overnight in one of their exhibits. I thought that sounded totally cool….but I didn’t know then that it would truly be “cool” it every sense of the word.
You see, I asked Bill to grab a sleeping bag to put on top of my air mattress. When we got to the drop off, he handed me a sheet. A SHEET?!? He said he always got hot in the sleeping bag and so he thought a sheet would be better. No blanket, no comforter… just a sheet. I think no biggie…we’re going to San Antonio….it’s warm there.
So we arrived. Saw the shows. Had dinner. Got a t-shirt and then they began announcing the exhibit sleeping assignments. One troop in the shark tank exhibit, one troop in the acquarium exhibit. Then they called Girl Scout Troop 18012, and I waited. Where would we be sleeping….oh no….no, no…
NO! Not the PENGUIN exhibit. We had already toured through there and not only was it cold…it stunk to high heaven. It was absolutely THE coldest night of my life. My teeth were chattering, my air mattress went flat and the SHEET did not begin to keep me warm.
That was my first and only Girl Scout overnight field trip to Sea World.. ever. So Brittany and Savannah….if your troop goes…I’m so sorry, but you’re on your own.
And you might want to take a sleeping bag…and a nose plug would be good too!