Sky Team Rolls ... And so do the Baergs
I’m about to give you a tip. A very, very important tip. A tip I wish I had paid attention to before embarking on a three flight trans-Atlantic journey.
Pack a spare pair of clothes in your carry on luggage.
Because otherwise you may end up with the same fate as five out of the six of us who unintentionally joined what from here to fore will be called…“The Sky Team”.
It’s not the kind of team for which you want to be picked.
Trust me, I know. I’m speaking from personal experience here.
We landed in Florence.
Our bags did not.
“No problem,” they said. “We’ll send them by courier when they arrive.”
Which just so happened to be three days later.
As a consolation prize they gave us a toiletries kit which included a white “Sky Team” t-shirt. Which we wore for two days.
It was two very, very long days.
Until we called and they told us they would give us 100 Euros for some new duds.
By the time we found this information out, we had about an hour until the stores closed. And we found a store in a nearby town and raced in. Or as we said…“the sky team rolled.”
It was on the way in that we realized we (having not showered and looking oh so skanky in our matching white “sky team” t-shirts) looked like convicts. Escaped convicts.
And after we bought ourselves some Italian designer duds, I felt like Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman” who looks back at the store clerk and says “big mistake” when they didn’t help her. I actually almost ended up with no clothes because I couldn’t find anything and no one would help me, but with seconds to spare and the help of Bill and Cindy, I found something.
Here we are in our Euro duds:
In was hot in Sienne and Bill still had money on his Air France account so he stopped and bought these very cool Italian shorts. It was a long way from our “Sky Team” ensemble.
We raced back to the villa because we had hired a chef to come and cook our dinner. Natalie helped make it. It would have been fun to help make homemade pasta but not as fun as spending 100 Euro of Air France’s money to buy Italian clothes. I’m just saying.
Here was the appetizer spread - or the anti pasta portion as they like to call it:
And dessert:
It was all delicious.
We showered and wore our new duds the next day to Sienne. Every year this city is the site of a big horse race through the town plaza. Boys will be boys and our husbands decided to recreate this scene for us themselves. They had quite the footrace through the plaza.
And we wonder why they think Americans are crazy.
I do realize that in the last month we’ve been to Disney World and Italy, but the Baergs are rolling again and we are spending this week at Pine Cove/Crier Creek family camp. This will be our 4th year and we look forward to it every year. It’s a great time of recharging and renewal for our family.
With this trip we will have pretty much exhausted Bill’s vacation days as well as our budget so I think we’ll stay put for a while.
But you never know….cuz just like the “Sky Team”, the Baergs like to “roll.”
I’ve got some more Italy to share though so I’ve scheduled posts throughout the week.
But for now…Ciao!