If that doesn't make you want to come home
When the kids were little I taught them to cheer when Bill came home from work. We really were glad he was back and I wanted him to look forward to coming home. They didn’t really need much coaxing to cheer…especially Jacob and Savannah. It just comes naturally to them.
In fact, most days I have to tell Jacob to stop cheering.
Yesterday Savannah took the whole “welcome home” thing up another level. She made Bill a “Welcome Back Home From Work” banner and hung it on the back of the Suburban so he’d see it as he drove up.
He wasn’t coming home from a trip or anything … just another day at the office.
She was so excited about it that she stood at the end of the driveway, probably getting eaten alive by mosquitoes, just so she could see him turn onto our street. There was no special occasion other than she wanted to make a sign and she loves her Daddy. He noticed it right away.
And Savannah enjoyed it so much she asked if she could do it again tomorrow.