And they're off!
It was the last “first day” of middle school for this girl: (and it boggles my mind that my first baby will be in high school next year!)
This girl went to her last “first day” of elementary school: (5th grade, seriously?!)
This girl was thrilled to be a third grader:
And it was this little guys first day of kindergarten:
We arrived right on time (and yes, we have been late on the first day before) and took a quick “stand by the sign” pic (the girls would have NOTHING to do with standing by the sign!):
And it was time to say “Goodbye”:
Only I didn’t because I still had to go in the room and check it out:
And when one of my friends saw this picture she emailed and asked….“DARLA, seriously how long did you stay?” And I mean, is it really a problem to stay through naptime?
Just kidding! I left and with only a lump in my throat. He was more than ready to be there and had a few buddies in his class and was clearly excited to stay.
At the last second I suggested to Bill that we run by Savannah’s class just to make sure she got there. I have no idea why I said that since this is her 5th year at a school that really isn’t really that big at all. We’d been in the kindergarten wing a good 10 minutes, at least. When we came around the corner we saw Savannah with a look on her face of “I have been lost the last 10 minutes and please don’t say anything just let me walk with this nice stranger who is taking me to my class.” Wow. But she made it - with her teacher, safe and sound.
And since Savannah seemed to lose her way, we had to then check on Brittany.
That is, until 10:30 AM.
When I got a call from the Jacob’s kindergarten teacher.
It went like this: “Uhm, Mrs. Baerg, it seems Jacob doesn’t have a lunch and he is apparently not interested in buying the chicken sandwich the cafeteria is serving.”
And y’all, I ran into the kitchen as fast as I could to see if his lunch was sitting on the counter. And what to my wondering eyes should appear? Caroline’s lunch! I now knew I had two kids at two separate schools missing lunches on the FIRST day.
Waytogo mom!
So I searched the house and found Jacob’s lunch in his bathroom by his stool where he brushed his teeth.
And then I raced to those two schools and did the motherhood walk of shame into the office carrying lunches.
The funniest was when I slunk into the middle school and the secretary said with a knowing smile….“6th grader?”
And I had to say … “no, it would be 8th.”
All of the hoopla reminded me of a conversation Caroline and I had on Sunday late afternoon. I asked if there was anything else I needed to get at the store and she said … “I thought you were going early in the week. You said you weren’t going to be one of THOSE MOMS who waited until the last second and had to go to the store when it looked like Kosovo and there was no bread or milk left on the night before school.”
Almost before she finished her sentence she started to laugh and said…
“Mom, some things never change.”