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Today is Go Texan Day in Houston.

The trail riders will be coming into town and heading straight for the rodeo.

Meanwhile … back at the ranch … otherwise known as Rummel Creek Elementary … Jacob, Savannah and Brittany will be kicking up their boots in the school gym.  Each grade has a performance which pretty much means I’ll be there all day.  Yee-haw!

It will be Jacob’s first year to dance and Brittany’s last.  Jacob cannot wait.  Brittany told Bill he didn’t need to come.

So tonight we rustled up some Western duds for the kids to wear.  Jacob does not wear blue jeans … ever.  He announced however that he needed jeans and boots for this occasion.  Luckily I had a pair of jeans in a hand me down bag from a friend and a pair of boots in another bag from a friend.  I think his outfit turned out pretty cute.

He doesn’t seem to mind that the boots are about 3 sizes too big.  I’m hoping he’ll still be able to dance.  He showed me a few of his moves.

He told me  … “I bet I’m the only cowboy in the world that knows tae kwon do.”

He might be right.

Then he gave HIMSELF “bunny ears” for the picture.

But you know what they say … every rodeo needs a clown.

We’ve got ours!