A Light Unto his Path ...
The last few months Jacob has been asking for his own Bible. We told him that our church presents all the first graders with a Bible in September and the date could not get here fast enough for him. Sunday night was THE night and he was VERY excited.
He and Bill practiced shaking hands and the church even put a little sticker on his hand so he’d remember which hand with which to shake. He told me afterwards … “Mom, I even said thank you”. So proud of that boy I am.

What I really loved was seeing him come back to the pew and take time looking at each page and picture. I hope he always has a desire to open God’s word and hide it’s words in his heart.

When he got home he told me “Mom, I love my new Bible and now I have something to read at Family Camp”. It’s usually a competition to see who gets to read the different scriptures in our family devotional and he is more than ready to join in.
After the Bibles were passed out, we all sang the song “Thy Word” which (if you haven’t been to VBS in a few years), starts … “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. I have sung it to Jacob since he was a baby and anytime he requests a song at night, that is the one. He sings along and we have both admitted to each other that we think we sound pretty good as a duet together.
Jacob … our prayer is that you grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
And you get to read first next summer!