You know you are in the middle of a remodel when ...
Yesterday the primer went on the walls of Bill’s study. It stunk to high heaven. It made me feel woozy and light headed and gave me a terrible headache. And that was only after one hour. As soon as I saw (actually smelled) what they were doing I quickly got ready and spent the rest of the day running errands.
My first stop was to go pick out a new front door. I smelled something in the door store but didn’t think too much about it. Then the sales person said … “Something just REEKS of paint. It’s so strong I think I’m going to pass out.” She began smelling all the doors around us thinking one was freshly painted.
Then I sheepishly said …. “I think it might be me” and she (I kid you not) smelled me and said … “IT IS YOU”.
Y’all I smelled like primer and primer stinks. I had JUST taken a shower too. That smelled seeped into me something awful.
I drove down the street to another door place and as the salesperson was printing out my paperwork she said … “OH, the paint smell is AWFUL” … and I couldn’t even bring myself to tell her it was me.
I did spend the entire rest of the day trying to air out!
Although we are still a long way away from yelling … “Bus driver, MOVE THAT BUS!” like they do on Extreme Makeover Home Edition, there are some rooms that are ready to do a reveal.
The first is the upstairs hall bath - which is also serving as the master bath too. Soon and very soon we should be able to move entirely into our bath downstairs. But for now, the hall bath is my favorite room in the house. I really love it.
Here is was before:

During …

After …

We still need drawer pulls, towel racks and a rug (oh, and a toilet paper holder!!!) … but I will get to that shortly.
This is the bathroom that Caroline and Jacob share … and I think it’s a great combination of masculine and feminine.
Stay tuned for more! In the meantime I’ll be trying to rid myself of the primer stink! It’s AWFUL.