Just another manic May ...
Here we sit. May 28th. I had to look up the date because I honestly had no idea what it was … it just seems this month has been unending! I’m tired, my kids are tired … I even think the school bus sounded tired the other day. Jacob told me they are learning about the ocean this month at school and have watched “Finding Nemo” and “Little Mermaid”. Sounds to me like his teacher might be tired too. :)
Summer is coming … although I do wish it was already here. I want to celebrate Memorial Day without final exams looming over two of my children’s heads. I want to go to the lake!
It seems like forever ago that baseball ended and suddenly we are full steam ahead in swim team. We did pause last week for field day at the elementary school. I worked the water balloon volleyball station which was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time:
I love living on our new street. Last weekend we all gathered out in our yard to watch the high school seniors get their pictures taken before prom. When we turned around we saw Jacob and his buddy Jack ON TOP OF our car. And we figured we’d laugh about it (or maybe cry!) eleven years from now when they are being photographed for their own prom.
And, surprise! surprise! I have an extra room in our house I didn’t even know about. It’s the front porch and we now have TWO rocking chairs on it. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed them. I sit there and drink tea (it’s the right drink for a front porch rocking chair, dontchathink?!) and wait for the school bus, talk to my neighbors, visit with the kids, read, watch the world go by … you name it. I absolutely LOVE it. Favorite “room” in the house so far.
Speaking of the house, we are getting close. Bill and I went this morning and selected the final granite for the kitchen. It was BLAZING hot out there. I’m thinking by the end of the week it will be installed. Yippee!
Happy Memorial Day weekend! And good luck Baerg girls on your finals! Hang in there … June is coming!!