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With all due respect to the Aggies ...

One day last week Bill said…“I’d like to take Caroline to the Baylor game this weekend.”

And so we did what you do in those kind of situations and we posted it on facebook.

Sure enough … minutes later a friend responded that they had been given four tickets and were only able to use two. And these weren’t just any tickets. They were the “elite club” which I’m sure has a name but I don’t know what it is, but it’s bound to be something like “elite”.

Because the seats had arm rests.

And seat cushions.

And dinner was included plus all the Dr. Pepper and candy you could eat.

All free.

It even included a parking pass.

It was like they hit the jackpot for free tickets.

So Bill and Caroline donned their Baylor apparel and headed out to the game.

They feasted on the free food.

And enjoyed a Baylor win over a team no one had ever heard of before.

And after the game they headed to see the Judge Baylor statue and the Baylor Bear Pit. (Because I’m pretty sure that’s why they have a bear pit … so parents can take their kids and say … see how cool Baylor is, it has it’s own Bear!). They then headed to Health Camp for one of the best milkshakes around. And I just love the irony of the Health Camps name. Of course, it declared itself healthy long before there were such things as protein whey shakes and such. And let me tell you, those milkshakes are good!

And apparently the indoctrination is working because they passed Texas A & M on the way home and Bill asked Caroline if she was interested in going to that school. She rolled her eyes a bit and said … “no dad, they’re weird.”

It was a Baylor victory for sure.