"Feel Good" Friday
I realize that if you haven’t seen this yet you may have been under a rock this week or at least not watching TV or surfing the internet.
So if you are one of those TWO people in America, then please take a look at this video.
Because it just makes you feel good.
Actually it gave me chills. All 15 times I’ve watched it.
And there is certainly a lesson to be learned about judging others.
But mostly it will just make you feel good.
And just so you know…Susan Boyle is one of the top five internet searches this week. In all the world.
And what you may not know is that she was deprived of oxygen at birth and has some learning disabilities.
But that isn’t holding her back now. Oh no.
And I’m so happy for her.
She sings one of my favorite songs from my favorite musical, Les Miserables.
And I want you to see it.
And if you have already seen it? Well, watch it again.
Because it’s “Feel Good” Friday.