New Do...
I have a new do.
Hair do that is. I went from blonde to brunette.
Lots of reasons…for starters, my very fashion conscious teenage daughter wanted me to do it. Then when I went to a new stylist she almost demanded I do it.
Those two are kind of pushy.
The funniest thing was when I came home and the a fore mentioned teenage daughter’s mouth dropped open I said…“Well, you told me to do it.”
Her answer? “Well, I never thought you really would.”
But I did, and this is my new look:
I took this picture on my Mac computer. Which, by the way, I love almost as much as my new refrigerator.
And that’s a lot.
The good news is that Bill liked my hair a lot too.
The teenager still can’t believe I did it.
And I love freaking out a teenager.