Portion Control 20 November 2008 Any of us who have ever attempted a diet know that one of the first things they teach you is “portion control.
All in a days works.... 19 November 2008 Back at the beginning of the school year I was asked if I would be the communication liaison between the PTA President and the 7th grade parents.
LOL and LOL 14 November 2008 Our Sunday School teacher on Sunday shared how his 4th grade son was sending him emails that all ended with “LOL.
Using it all... 13 November 2008 My life long friend Beth sent me an email this week describing all the things she saw her friends doing and how she was feeling somewhat discouraged that her list of accomplishments wasn’t all she thought it should be.
That good 'ole Baylor Line... 9 November 2008 One of my favorite moments at the game yesterday came after almost all the Baylor players had walked off the field.
Our Next President 5 November 2008 I wondered aloud today who might win the election tonight and Jacob said….