The post with no pictures ...except for one 29 September 2010 I received an invitation to lead a retreat for Trinity Baptist in Katy, TX about a year ago.
Don't sit down. 22 September 2010 Last year at family camp I painted a rock that said “Don’t sit down.
A Light Unto his Path ... 21 September 2010 The last few months Jacob has been asking for his own Bible.
It's a wrap .... 20 September 2010 Last week we got a phone call asking if a family could come see our house.
It was all very exciting until I ran out of gas. 9 September 2010 remodel-before-and-after Yesterday Bill sent me an email that said … “wanna new house?
Some call it maize. We call it corn. 7 September 2010 Remember that commercial from a million years ago?
It wasn't like we were just sitting around eating cake .... 6 September 2010 If you’ve never been to Minnesota in the summer, you really should try to go.